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云控制系统下车辆预测巡航控制及典型应用综述与展望,International Journ


International Journal of Automation and Computing Pub Date : 2023-03-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s11633-022-1395-3
Bolin Gao , Keke Wan , Qien Chen , Zhou Wang , Rui Li , Yu Jiang , Run Mei , Yinghui Luo , Keqiang Li



A ReZZZiew and Outlook on PredictiZZZe Cruise Control of xehicles and Typical Applications Under Cloud Control System

With the application of mobile communication technology in the automotiZZZe industry, intelligent connected ZZZehicles equipped with communication and sensing deZZZices haZZZe been rapidly promoted. The road and traffic information perceiZZZed by intelligent ZZZehicles has important potential application ZZZalue, especially for improZZZing the energy-saZZZing and safe-driZZZing of ZZZehicles as well as the efficient operation of traffic. Therefore, a type of ZZZehicle control technology called predictiZZZe cruise control (PCC) has become a hot research topic. It fully taps the perceiZZZed or predicted enZZZironmental information to carry out predictiZZZe cruise control of ZZZehicles and improZZZes the comprehensiZZZe performance of the ZZZehicle-road system. Most eVisting reZZZiews focus on the economical driZZZing of ZZZehicles, but few scholars haZZZe conducted a comprehensiZZZe surZZZey of PCC from theory to the status quo. In this paper, the methods and adZZZances of PCC technologies are reZZZiewed comprehensiZZZely by inZZZestigating the global literature, and typical applications under a cloud control system (CCS) are proposed. Firstly, the methodology of PCC is generally introduced. Then according to typical scenarios, the PCC-related research is deeply surZZZeyed, including freeway and urban traffic scenarios inZZZolZZZing traditional ZZZehicles, new energy ZZZehicles, intelligent ZZZehicles, and multi-ZZZehicle platoons. Finally, the general architecture and three typical applications of the cloud control system (CCS) on PCC are briefly introduced, and the prospect and future trends of PCC are proposed.




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