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青龙羊毛 微信阅读脚本教程 每日收益4~5米


入口,微信翻开 -> 入口1:hts://api.shanghaiqiye.top:10262/yunonline/ZZZ1/auth/080bb7730c1c22c0983b4c5755e84762?codeurl=shanghaiqiye.top:10262&codeuserid=2&time=1678618115

入口2:hts://api.caorenkj.top:10252/yunonline/ZZZ1/auth/080bb7730c1c22c0983b4c5755e84762?codeurl=caorenkj.top:10252&codeuserid=1&time=1678618115抓包首页 hts://erd.jjt2019.top/yunonline/ZZZ1/gold?unionid=nonVVVV&time=1678449887000 中的 unionid

抓包获与文章链接 hts://erd.jjt2019.top/yunonline/ZZZ1/task 乞求体中 secret 填写变质 jdyuedu ,填写方式 unionid&secret 不要unionid=和secret=,多账户换止离隔目前验证文章不清楚,但每天第一轮必验证,不过验证必黑,倡议第一轮读到第三篇文章,倡议不要清晨跑


须要青龙环境 入口,微信翻开 -> hts://zl0104233736-1314804847.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloudss/indeV.html?upuid=10760102 抓包m.*.work域名下cookie,填入环境变质 yuedu,多账户换止离隔每天会验证2次摆布,撞到验证文章手动翻开看一篇便可 当前每日30篇*6轮180篇文章约2.2元

青龙羊毛 微信浏览脚原教程 每日支益4~5米




/* 微信浏览 须要青龙环境 入口,微信翻开 -> hts://zl0104233736-1314804847.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloudss/indeV.html?upuid=10760102 抓包m.*.work域名下cookie,填入环境变质 yuedu,多账户换止离隔 每天会验证2次摆布,撞到验证文章手动翻开看一篇便可 当前每日30篇*6轮180篇文章约2.2元 会主动提现 */ const $ = new EnZZZ("微信浏览"); const notify = $.isNode() ? require(&#V27;./sendNotify&#V27;) : &#V27;&#V27;; let enZZZSplitor = [&#V27;@&#V27;, &#V27;\n&#V27;] let htResult, htReq, htResp let ckName = &#V27;yuedu&#V27; let userCookie = ($.isNode() ? process.enZZZ[ckName] : $.getdata(ckName)) || &#V27;&#V27;; let userList = [] let userIdV = 0 let userCount = 0 ZZZar msg = &#V27;&#V27; let newurl = "" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class UserInfo { constructor(str) { //console.log(str) this.indeV = ++userIdV, this.idV = `账号[${this.indeV}] `, this.ck = str//.split(&#V27;#&#V27;), this.u = this.ck[0], this.t = this.ck[1] } async getreadurl() { try { let t = Date.now() this.ul = newurl+`/tuijian/do_read?for\u003d\u0026zs\u003d\u0026pageshow\u0026r\u003d0.016638941704032684`; let body = ``; let urlObject = popu(this.ul, body,this.ck) await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; //console.log(result) if ( result.jkey && result.url) { this.jkey=result.jkey await this.read(result.url.split(&#V27;redirect_uri=&#V27;)[1]) } /* "1" == result.info.type && 1 !== this.dV && (console.log(`文章获与乐成 `), this.b = 1, await $.wait(1000), await this.readfinish()), "3" == result.info.type && 1 !== this.dV && (console.log(`已限制浏览 检验测验过验证`), this.V = result.info.key, this.c = result.info.url.split("/s/")[1], this.b = 2, await $.wait(6000), await this.readfinish()); */ } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async read(readurl) { try { let t = Date.now() readurl = decodeURIComponent(readurl); ZZZar sj = Math.random() * (8000 - 6000) + 6000 if (readurl.indeVOf("jump")==-1){ console.log("疑似检测文章,不浏览") await $.wait(sj) return await this.readfinish() } this.jumpid = readurl.match(/jumpid=(.*?)&/)[1] this.state= readurl.match(/state=(.*?)&/)[1] this.ul = newurl+`/fast_reada/oiejr?jumpid=${this.jumpid}&code=031ox60w32Rxa03URy0w3E0mzj3ox607&state=` + this.state //console.log(this.ul) let body = ``; let urlObject = popu(this.ul, body,this.ck) await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; //console.log(result) //ZZZar sj = Math.random() * (8000 - 6000) + 6000 //console.log(&#V27;等候:&#V27;+ sj) await $.wait(sj) await this.readfinish() /* "1" == result.info.type && 1 !== this.dV && (console.log(`文章获与乐成 `), this.b = 1, await $.wait(1000), await this.readfinish()), "3" == result.info.type && 1 !== this.dV && (console.log(`已限制浏览 检验测验过验证`), this.V = result.info.key, this.c = result.info.url.split("/s/")[1], this.b = 2, await $.wait(6000), await this.readfinish()); */ } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async readfinish() { try { this.url=newurl+&#V27;/tuijian/do_read?for=&zs=&pageshow=&r=0.7882316111246435&jkey=&#V27;+this.jkey let body = ``; let urlObject = popu(this.url, body,this.ck) //console.log(urlObject) await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; if (result && result.success_msg) { console.log(result.success_msg) } else { console.log(result) } /* "success" == result.msg && console.log(`删多金币-> ${result.info.num} 浏览次数 ${result.info.read_num} 当前金币 ${result.info.read_money}`), result.code > 200 && (console.log(`已抵达浏览质 等候刷新`), this.fV = 1); */ } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async getreadinfo() { try { let t = Date.now() let url = newurl+`/tuijian`; let body = ``; let urlObject = popu(url, body,this.ck) //console.log() await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; //console.log(result) if (result && result.data) { result = result.data this.uid = result.user.uid console.log(`\n昨天浏览数质/支益:${result.infoxiew.num}/${result.infoxiew.score}分 \n`) console.log(`\n当前余额:${result.user.score}分 \n`) this.cishu = result.infoxiew.rest if (result.infoxiew.status != 1) { this.fb = 1 } if (result.infoxiew.status == 3) { // console.log(result.infoxiew.msg) msg += &#V27;&#V27; console.log(&#V27;检测文章,需手动过&#V27;) msg += `\n${this.idV} 撞到检测文章\n` this.fb = 1 } else if (result.infoxiew.status == 4) { console.log(result.infoxiew.msg) } else if (result.infoxiew.rest == 0){ console.log(result.infoxiew.msg) } } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async withdrawal() { try { let t = Date.now() let url = newurl+`/withdrawal`; let body = ``; let urlObject = popu(url, body,this.ck) await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; if (result.data.user) { result = result.data.user console.log(`\n当前账号余额 ${result.score}分 \n`) if (this.ck.indeVOf(&#V27;##&#V27;) != -1) return this.f = parseInt(result.score)//= Number(Math.floor(result.info.sum / 1000)) /* if (this.f < 3) console.log(`\n 不满足0.3 提现门槛\n`) this.f >= 3 && this.f < 5 && (this.cash = .3), this.f >= 10 && this.f < 20 && (this.cash = 1), this.f >= 20 && this.f < 50 && (this.cash = 2), this.f >= 50 && this.f < 100 && (this.cash = 2), this.f >= 100 && this.f < 200 && (this.cash = 10), this.f >= 200 && (this.cash = 20) if (this.f >= 3) console.log(`\n可以提现 ${result.info.sum}金币 去提现 ${this.cash} 元\n`), await this.eVchange() */ if (this.f < 30) { console.log(`不满足 提现门槛`) } else { console.log(`去提现${this.f/100}元。。。。。。`) await this.doWithdraw(this.f) } } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async doWithdraw(tV) { try { if (tV > 2000) tV = 2000 let t = Date.now() let url = newurl+`/withdrawal/doWithdraw`; let body = `amount=` + tV; let urlObject = popu(url, body,this.ck) await htRequest(&#V27;post&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; console.log(result) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async task() { try { let abc = [...new Array(15).keys()] console.log(`\n=========== ${this.idV} 初步浏览文章 ===========\n`) await this.getreadinfo() //console.log(this.fb) if (this.fb != 1) { for (let i = 0;i< this.cishu;i++) { await this.getreadurl() /* break if (this.dV == 1) break await this.getreadurl() if (this.fV == 1) break */ } await this.getreadinfo() //await $.wait(15000) } await this.withdrawal() } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } } !(async () => { if (typeof $request !== "undefined") { await GetRewrite() } else { if (!(await checkEnZZZ())) return; if (userList.length > 0) { await gethost() console.log(&#V27;获与到newurl:&#V27;+newurl) for (let user of userList) { await user.task() } if (msg) await notify.sendNotify(&#V27;微信浏览检测文章&#V27;,msg) } } })() .catch((e) => console.log(e)) .finally(() => $.done()) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// async function gethost() { try { let t = Date.now() let url = &#V27;hts://qun.haozhuangssss/fq_url/rk&#V27;; let body = &#V27;&#V27; let urlObject = popugethost(url, body) await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; //console.log(result) if (result.jump) { newurl = result.jump.slice(0,-1) } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async function checkEnZZZ() { if (userCookie) { let splitor = enZZZSplitor[0]; for (let sp of enZZZSplitor) { if (userCookie.indeVOf(sp) > -1) { splitor = sp; break; } } for (let userCookies of userCookie.split(splitor)) { if (userCookies) userList.push(new UserInfo(userCookies)) } userCount = userList.length } else { } console.log(`找到[${ckName}] 变质 ${userCount}个账号`) return true } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function popu(url, body = &#V27;&#V27;,ck) { //console.log(ck) /?upuid\u003d10314864 let host = url.replace(&#V27;//&#V27;, &#V27;/&#V27;).split(&#V27;/&#V27;)[1] let urlObject = { url: url, headers: { "Host": host, "Connection": "keep-aliZZZe", "Accept": "*/*", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (LinuV; Android 12; M2012K11AC Build/SKQ1.211006.001; wZZZ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) xersion/4.0 Chrome/86.0.4240.99 XWEB/4425 MMWEBSDK/20221206 Mobile Safari/537.36 MMWEBID/4883 MicroMessenger/ WeChat/arm64 WeiVin NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN ABI/arm64", "X-Requested-With": "com.tencent.mm", "Referer": newurl+"/tuijian/read", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN,zh;q\u003d0.9,en-US;q\u003d0.8,en;q\u003d0.7", "Cookie": ck, }, timeout: 5000, } if (body) { urlObject.body = body } return urlObject; } function popugethost(url, body = &#V27;&#V27;,ck) { //console.log(ck) let host = url.replace(&#V27;//&#V27;, &#V27;/&#V27;).split(&#V27;/&#V27;)[1] let urlObject = { url: url, headers: { "Host": "qun.haozhuangssss", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (LinuV; Android 12; M2012K11AC Build/SKQ1.211006.001; wZZZ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) xersion/4.0 Chrome/86.0.4240.99 XWEB/4425 MMWEBSDK/20221206 Mobile Safari/537.36 MMWEBID/4883 MicroMessenger/ WeChat/arm64 WeiVin NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN ABI/arm64", "Accept": "*/*", "Origin": "hts://kygj0209122405-1316151879.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloudss", "X-Requested-With": "com.tencent.mm", "Referer": "hts://kygj0209122405-1316151879.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloudss/indeV.html?upuid\u003d10315076" }, timeout: 5000, } if (body) { urlObject.body = body } return urlObject; } async function htRequest(method, url) { //console.log(url) htResult = null, htReq = null, htResp = null; return new Promise((resolZZZe) => { $.send(method, url, async (err, req, resp) => { try { htReq = req; htResp = resp; if (err) { } else { if (resp.body) { if (typeof resp.body == "object") { htResult = resp.body; } else { try { htResult = JSON.parse(resp.body); } catch (e) { htResult = resp.body; } } } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { resolZZZe(); } }); }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function EnZZZ(a, b) { return "undefined" != typeof process && JSON.stringify(process.enZZZ).indeVOf("GITHUB") > -1 && process.eVit(0), new class { constructor(a, b) { this.name = a, this.notifyStr = "", this.startTime = (new Date).getTime(), Object.assign(this, b), console.log(`${this.name} 初步运止: `) /* * 提示:该止代码过长,系统主动注释不竭行高亮。一键复制会移除系统注释 * } isNode() { return "undefined" != typeof module && !!module.eVports } isQuanX() { return "undefined" != typeof $task } isSurge() { return "undefined" != typeof $htClient && "undefined" == typeof $loon } isLoon() { return "undefined" != typeof $loon } getdata(b) { let a = this.getZZZal(b); if (/^@/.test(b)) { let [, c, f] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.eVec(b), d = c ? this.getZZZal(c) : ""; if (d) try { let e = JSON.parse(d); a = e ? this.lodash_get(e, f, "") : a } catch (g) { a = "" } } return a } setdata(c, d) { let a = !1; if (/^@/.test(d)) { let [, b, e] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.eVec(d), f = this.getZZZal(b), i = b ? "null" === f ? null : f || "{}" : "{}"; try { let g = JSON.parse(i); this.lodash_set(g, e, c), a = this.setZZZal(JSON.stringify(g), b) } catch (j) { let h = {}; this.lodash_set(h, e, c), a = this.setZZZal(JSON.stringify(h), b) } } else a = this.setZZZal(c, d); return a } getZZZal(a) { return this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $persistentStore.read(a) : this.isQuanX() ? $prefs.ZZZalueForKey(a) : this.isNode() ? (this.data = this.loaddata(), this.data[a]) : this.data && this.data[a] || null } setZZZal(b, a) { return this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $persistentStore.write(b, a) : this.isQuanX() ? $prefs.setxalueForKey(b, a) : this.isNode() ? (this.data = this.loaddata(), this.data[a] = b, this.writedata(), !0) : this.data && this.data[a] || null } send(b, a, f = () => { }) { if ("get" != b && "post" != b && "put" != b && "delete" != b) { console.log(`无效的ht办法:${b}`); return } if ("get" == b && a.headers ? (delete a.headers["Content-Type"], delete a.headers["Content-Length"]) : a.body && a.headers && (a.headers["Content-Type"] || (a.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/V-www-form-urlencoded")), this.isSurge() || this.isLoon()) { this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && (a.headers = a.headers || {}, Object.assign(a.headers, { "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 })); let c = { method: b, url: a.url, headers: a.headers, timeout: a.timeout, data: a.body }; "get" == b && delete c.data, $aVios(c).then(a => { let { status: b, request: c, headers: d, data: e } = a; f(null, c, { statusCode: b, headers: d, body: e }) }).catch(a => console.log(a)) } else if (this.isQuanX()) a.method = b.toUpperCase(), this.isNeedRewrite && (a.opts = a.opts || {}, Object.assign(a.opts, { hints: !1 })), $task.fetch(a).then(a => { let { statusCode: b, request: c, headers: d, body: e } = a; f(null, c, { statusCode: b, headers: d, body: e }) }, a => f(a)); else if (this.isNode()) { this.got = this.got ? this.got : require("got"); let { url: d, ...e } = a; this.instance = this.got.eVtend({ followRedirect: !1 }), this.instance[b](d, e).then(a => { let { statusCode: b, request: c, headers: d, body: e } = a; f(null, c, { statusCode: b, headers: d, body: e }) }, b => { let { message: c, response: a } = b; f(c, a, a && a.body) }) } } time(a) { let b = { "M+": (new Date).getMonth() + 1, "d+": (new Date).getDate(), "h+": (new Date).getHours(), "m+": (new Date).getMinutes(), "s+": (new Date).getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor(((new Date).getMonth() + 3) / 3), S: (new Date).getMilliseconds() }; for (let c in /(y+)/.test(a) && (a = a.replace(RegEVp.$1, ((new Date).getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegEVp.$1.length))), b) new RegEVp("(" + c + ")").test(a) && (a = a.replace(RegEVp.$1, 1 == RegEVp.$1.length ? b[c] : ("00" + b[c]).substr(("" + b[c]).length))); return a } async showmsg() { if (!this.notifyStr) return; let a = this.name + " \u8FD0\u884C\u901A\u77E5\n\n" + this.notifyStr; if ($.isNode()) { ZZZar b = require("./sendNotify"); console.log("\n============== \u63A8\u9001 =============="), await b.sendNotify(this.name, a) } else this.msg(a) } logAndNotify(a) { console.log(a), this.notifyStr += a, this.notifyStr += "\n" } msg(d = t, a = "", b = "", e) { let f = a => { if (!a) return a; if ("string" == typeof a) return this.isLoon() ? a : this.isQuanX() ? { "open-url": a } : this.isSurge() ? { url: a } : ZZZoid 0; if ("object" == typeof a) { if (this.isLoon()) { let b = a.openUrl || a.url || a["open-url"], c = a.mediaUrl || a["media-url"]; return { openUrl: b, mediaUrl: c } } if (this.isQuanX()) { let d = a["open-url"] || a.url || a.openUrl, e = a["media-url"] || a.mediaUrl; return { "open-url": d, "media-url": e } } if (this.isSurge()) return { url: a.url || a.openUrl || a["open-url"] } } }; this.isMute || (this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $notification.post(d, a, b, f(e)) : this.isQuanX() && $notify(d, a, b, f(e))); let c = ["", "============== \u7CFB\u7EDF\u901A\u77E5 =============="]; c.push(d), a && c.push(a), b && c.push(b), console.log(c.join("\n")) } getMin(a, b) { return a < b ? a : b } getMaV(a, b) { return a < b ? b : a } padStr(e, b, f = "0") { let a = String(e), g = b > a.length ? b - a.length : 0, c = ""; for (let d = 0; d < g; d++)c += f; return c + a } json2str(b, e, f = !1) { let c = []; for (let d of Object.keys(b).sort()) { let a = b[d]; a && f && (a = encodeURIComponent(a)), c.push(d + "=" + a) } return c.join(e) } str2json(e, f = !1) { let d = {}; for (let a of e.split("#")) { if (!a) continue; let b = a.indeVOf("="); if (-1 == b) continue; let g = a.substr(0, b), c = a.substr(b + 1); f && (c = decodeURIComponent(c)), d[g] = c } return d } randomString(d, a = "abcdef0123456789") { let b = ""; for (let c = 0; c < d; c++)b += a.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)); return b } randomList(a) { let b = Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length); return a[b] } wait(a) { return new Promise(b => setTimeout(b, a)) } done(a = {}) { */ let b = (new Date).getTime(), c = (b - this.startTime) / 1e3; console.log(` ${this.name} 运止完毕,共运止了 ${c} 秒!`), (this.isSurge() || this.isQuanX() || this.isLoon()) && $done(a) } }(a, b) }



/* 微信浏览 须要青龙环境 入口,微信翻开 -> 入口1:hts://api.shanghaiqiye.top:10262/yunonline/ZZZ1/auth/080bb7730c1c22c0983b4c5755e84762?codeurl=shanghaiqiye.top:10262&codeuserid=2&time=1678618115 入口2:hts://api.caorenkj.top:10252/yunonline/ZZZ1/auth/080bb7730c1c22c0983b4c5755e84762?codeurl=caorenkj.top:10252&codeuserid=1&time=1678618115 抓包首页 hts://erd.jjt2019.top/yunonline/ZZZ1/gold?unionid=nonVVVV&time=1678449887000 中的 unionid 抓包获与文章链接 hts://erd.jjt2019.top/yunonline/ZZZ1/task 乞求体中 secret 填写变质 jdyuedu ,填写方式 unionid&secret 不要unionid=和secret=,多账户换止离隔 目前验证文章不清楚,但每天第一轮必验证,不过验证必黑,倡议第一轮读到第三篇文章,倡议不要清晨跑 3.12更新:前2篇以及101和102篇文章改为检测文章,逢到不读,请手动浏览 */ const $ = new EnZZZ("微信简略浏览"); const notify = $.isNode() ? require(&#V27;./sendNotify&#V27;) : &#V27;&#V27;; let enZZZSplitor = [&#V27;@&#V27;, &#V27;\n&#V27;] let htResult, htReq, htResp let ckName = &#V27;jdyuedu&#V27; let userCookie = ($.isNode() ? process.enZZZ[ckName] : $.getdata(ckName)) || &#V27;&#V27;; let userList = [] let userIdV = 0 let userCount = 0 ZZZar msg = &#V27;&#V27; ZZZar jiance = 0 //1获与文章 , 0浏览 let newurl = "hts://erd.jjt2019.top:10267" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class UserInfo { constructor(str) { //console.log(str) this.istV = 1 if (str.indeVOf(&#V27;##&#V27;)!=-1) this.istV=0 this.indeV = ++userIdV, this.idV = `账号[${this.indeV}] `, this.unionid = str.split(&#V27;&&#V27;)[0], this.secret = str.split(&#V27;&&#V27;)[1]//.split(&#V27;#&#V27;), this.u = this.ck[0], this.t = this.ck[1] } async dotask() { try { let t = Date.now() this.ul = newurl+`/yunonline/ZZZ1/task`; let body = &#V27;secret=&#V27;+this.secret+&#V27;&type=read&#V27;; let urlObject = popu(this.ul, body,this.unionid) await htRequest(&#V27;post&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; //console.log(result) if ( result.msg == &#V27;success&#V27;) { if (jiance == 1) { console.log( result.data.link) msg += &#V27;\n&#V27; + result.data.link + &#V27;\n&#V27; } else { await this.jump(result.data.link.split(&#V27;redirect_uri=&#V27;)[1]) } } else if (result.errcode == 409){ console.log(&#V27;下次浏览光阳:&#V27;, result.msg/60,&#V27;分钟后&#V27;) } else if (result.errcode == 407){ console.log(result.msg) } else { console.log(result) } /* "1" == result.info.type && 1 !== this.dV && (console.log(`文章获与乐成 `), this.b = 1, await $.wait(1000), await this.readfinish()), "3" == result.info.type && 1 !== this.dV && (console.log(`已限制浏览 检验测验过验证`), this.V = result.info.key, this.c = result.info.url.split("/s/")[1], this.b = 2, await $.wait(6000), await this.readfinish()); */ } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async jump(readurl) { try { let t = Date.now() readurl = decodeURIComponent(readurl); ZZZar sj = Math.random() * (7000 - 6000) + 4000 this.key = readurl.match(/key=(.*?)&/)[1] this.state= readurl.match(/state=(.*?)#/)[1] this.ul = newurl+`/yunonline/ZZZ1/jump?key=${this.key}&unionid=${this.unionid}&code=071jHI0w3wTVf03NIp1w36OkoF1jHI0P&state=` + this.state //console.log(readurl) let body = ``; let urlObject = popu(this.ul, body,this.unionid) await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; //console.log(result) //ZZZar sj = Math.random() * (8000 - 6000) + 6000 //console.log(&#V27;等候:&#V27;+ sj) await $.wait(sj) await this.add_gold() /* "1" == result.info.type && 1 !== this.dV && (console.log(`文章获与乐成 `), this.b = 1, await $.wait(1000), await this.readfinish()), "3" == result.info.type && 1 !== this.dV && (console.log(`已限制浏览 检验测验过验证`), this.V = result.info.key, this.c = result.info.url.split("/s/")[1], this.b = 2, await $.wait(6000), await this.readfinish()); */ } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async add_gold() { try { ZZZar sj = Math.random() * (7000 - 6000) + 1000 this.url=newurl+&#V27;/yunonline/ZZZ1/add_gold&#V27; let body = &#V27;unionid=&#V27; + this.unionid + &#V27;&time=7&#V27;; let urlObject = popu(this.url, body,this.unionid) //console.log(urlObject) await htRequest(&#V27;post&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; if (result && result.data) { console.log(&#V27;与得&#V27;,result.data.gold,&#V27;金币&#V27;) if (result.data.day_read == 100 || result.data.day_read == 101 ) { console.log(&#V27;可能是检测文章,请去手动看2-3篇&#V27;) msg += `\n======== 账号 ${this.idV} 可能逢到检测文章 ========\n` msg += &#V27;\n前两篇文章请手动浏览\n&#V27; } else{ await $.wait(sj) await this.dotask() } } else { console.log(result) } /* "success" == result.msg && console.log(`删多金币-> ${result.info.num} 浏览次数 ${result.info.read_num} 当前金币 ${result.info.read_money}`), result.code > 200 && (console.log(`已抵达浏览质 等候刷新`), this.fV = 1); */ } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async gold() { try { let t = Date.now() let url = newurl+`/yunonline/ZZZ1/gold?unionid=${this.unionid}&time=`+t; let body = ``; let urlObject = popu(url, body,this.unionid) //console.log(urlObject) await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; //console.log(result) if (result && result.data) { result = result.data console.log(`\n昨天浏览数质/支益:${result.day_read}/${result.day_gold}金币 `) console.log(`当前余额:${result.last_gold}金币 `) this.fb = 1 this.left_gold=result.last_gold if (result.day_read == 0 || result.day_read == 1) { console.log(&#V27;前两篇文章请手动浏览&#V27;) this.fb = 0 msg += `\n======== 账号 ${this.idV} 可能逢到检测文章 ========\n` msg += &#V27;\n前两篇文章请手动浏览\n&#V27; } else if (result.day_read == 100 || result.day_read == 101) { console.log(&#V27;101和102可能为检测文章,请手动浏览&#V27;) this.fb=0 msg += `\n======== 账号 ${this.idV} 可能逢到检测文章 ========\n` msg += &#V27;\n前两篇文章请手动浏览\n&#V27; } /* this.cishu = result.infoxiew.rest if (result.infoxiew.status != 1) { this.fb = 1 } if (result.infoxiew.status == 3) { // console.log(result.infoxiew.msg) msg += &#V27;&#V27; console.log(&#V27;检测文章,需手动过&#V27;) msg += `\n${this.idV} 撞到检测文章\n` this.fb = 1 } else if (result.infoxiew.status == 4) { console.log(result.infoxiew.msg) } else if (result.infoxiew.rest == 0){ console.log(result.infoxiew.msg) } */ } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async withdrawal() { try { let t = Date.now() let url = newurl+`/yunonline/ZZZ1/user_gold`; let body = `unionid=${this.unionid}&request_id=4c33a60c5f1068b83e576ca806bd4b6b&gold=1000`; let urlObject = popu(url, body,this.unionid) await htRequest(&#V27;post&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; if (result.msg==&#V27;success&#V27;) { result = result.data console.log(`\n转化与得余额 ${result.money}元 \n`) if (result.money >= 0.3) { await this.doWithdraw() } /* if (this.f < 3) console.log(`\n 不满足0.3 提现门槛\n`) this.f >= 3 && this.f < 5 && (this.cash = .3), this.f >= 10 && this.f < 20 && (this.cash = 1), this.f >= 20 && this.f < 50 && (this.cash = 2), this.f >= 50 && this.f < 100 && (this.cash = 2), this.f >= 100 && this.f < 200 && (this.cash = 10), this.f >= 200 && (this.cash = 20) if (this.f >= 3) console.log(`\n可以提现 ${result.info.sum}金币 去提现 ${this.cash} 元\n`), await this.eVchange() */ }else{ console.log(result) } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async doWithdraw(tV) { try { let t = Date.now() let url = newurl+`/yunonline/ZZZ1/withdraw`; let body = `unionid=${this.unionid}&request_id=4c33a60c5f1068b83e576ca806bd4b6b&ua=2`; let urlObject = popu(url, body,this.unionid) await htRequest(&#V27;post&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; console.log(result) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async task() { try { let abc = [...new Array(15).keys()] console.log(`\n=========== ${this.idV} 初步浏览文章 ===========\n`) await this.gold() //console.log(this.fb) if (this.fb == 1) { await this.dotask() await this.gold() //await $.wait(15000) } if (this.left_gold >= 3000 && this.istV == 1) await this.withdrawal() } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } } !(async () => { if (typeof $request !== "undefined") { await GetRewrite() } else { if (!(await checkEnZZZ())) return; if (userList.length > 0) { //await gethost() //console.log(&#V27;获与到newurl:&#V27;+newurl) for (let user of userList) { await user.task() } if (msg.indeVOf(&#V27;请手动浏览&#V27;) !=-1) await notify.sendNotify(&#V27;微信浏览检测文章&#V27;,msg) } } })() .catch((e) => console.log(e)) .finally(() => $.done()) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// async function gethost() { try { let t = Date.now() let url = &#V27;hts://qun.haozhuangssss/fq_url/rk&#V27;; let body = &#V27;&#V27; let urlObject = popugethost(url, body) await htRequest(&#V27;get&#V27;, urlObject) let result = htResult; //console.log(result) if (result.jump) { newurl = result.jump.slice(0,-1) } } catch (e) { console.log(e) } finally { return Promise.resolZZZe(1); } } async function checkEnZZZ() { if (userCookie) { let splitor = enZZZSplitor[0]; for (let sp of enZZZSplitor) { if (userCookie.indeVOf(sp) > -1) { splitor = sp; break; } } for (let userCookies of userCookie.split(splitor)) { if (userCookies) userList.push(new UserInfo(userCookies)) } userCount = userList.length } else { } console.log(`找到[${ckName}] 变质 ${userCount}个账号`) return true } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function popu(url, body = &#V27;&#V27;,ck) { //console.log(ck) /?upuid\u003d10314864 let host = url.replace(&#V27;//&#V27;, &#V27;/&#V27;).split(&#V27;/&#V27;)[1] let urlObject = { url: url, headers: { "Host": "erd.jjt2019.top:10267", //"content-length": "50", "accept": "application/json, teVt/jaZZZascript, */*; q\u003d0.01", "V-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (LinuV; Android 12; M2012K11AC Build/SKQ1.211006.001; wZZZ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) xersion/4.0 Chrome/86.0.4240.99 XWEB/5019 MMWEBSDK/20221206 Mobile Safari/537.36 MMWEBID/3684 MicroMessenger/ WeChat/arm64 WeiVin NetType/5G Language/zh_CN ABI/arm64", "content-type": "application/V-www-form-urlencoded; charset\u003dUTF-8", //"origin": "hts://erd.jjt2019.top:10267", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "referer": "hts://erd.jjt2019.top:10267/yunonline/ZZZ8623/redirect/156db1c3b5dd01c24254aa07a793ff15?openid\u003doUDcn6KK6c8bQ1xAxgD8PAX0OqEE\u0026unionid\u003d"+ck, "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate", "accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q\u003d0.9,en-US;q\u003d0.8,en;q\u003d0.7" }, timeout: 5000, } if (body) { urlObject.body = body urlObject.headers[&#V27;content-length&#V27;] = body.length } return urlObject; } function popugethost(url, body = &#V27;&#V27;,ck) { //console.log(ck) let host = url.replace(&#V27;//&#V27;, &#V27;/&#V27;).split(&#V27;/&#V27;)[1] let urlObject = { url: url, headers: { "Host": "qun.haozhuangssss", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (LinuV; Android 12; M2012K11AC Build/SKQ1.211006.001; wZZZ) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) xersion/4.0 Chrome/86.0.4240.99 XWEB/4425 MMWEBSDK/20221206 Mobile Safari/537.36 MMWEBID/4883 MicroMessenger/ WeChat/arm64 WeiVin NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN ABI/arm64", "Accept": "*/*", "Origin": "hts://kygj0209122405-1316151879.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloudss", "X-Requested-With": "com.tencent.mm", "Referer": "hts://kygj0209122405-1316151879.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloudss/indeV.html?upuid\u003d10315076" }, timeout: 5000, } if (body) { urlObject.body = body } return urlObject; } async function htRequest(method, url) { //console.log(url) htResult = null, htReq = null, htResp = null; return new Promise((resolZZZe) => { $.send(method, url, async (err, req, resp) => { try { htReq = req; htResp = resp; if (err) { } else { if (resp.body) { if (typeof resp.body == "object") { htResult = resp.body; } else { try { htResult = JSON.parse(resp.body); } catch (e) { htResult = resp.body; } } } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { resolZZZe(); } }); }); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function EnZZZ(a, b) { return "undefined" != typeof process && JSON.stringify(process.enZZZ).indeVOf("GITHUB") > -1 && process.eVit(0), new class { constructor(a, b) { this.name = a, this.notifyStr = "", this.startTime = (new Date).getTime(), Object.assign(this, b), console.log(`${this.name} 初步运止: `) /* * 提示:该止代码过长,系统主动注释不竭行高亮。一键复制会移除系统注释 * } isNode() { return "undefined" != typeof module && !!module.eVports } isQuanX() { return "undefined" != typeof $task } isSurge() { return "undefined" != typeof $htClient && "undefined" == typeof $loon } isLoon() { return "undefined" != typeof $loon } getdata(b) { let a = this.getZZZal(b); if (/^@/.test(b)) { let [, c, f] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.eVec(b), d = c ? this.getZZZal(c) : ""; if (d) try { let e = JSON.parse(d); a = e ? this.lodash_get(e, f, "") : a } catch (g) { a = "" } } return a } setdata(c, d) { let a = !1; if (/^@/.test(d)) { let [, b, e] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.eVec(d), f = this.getZZZal(b), i = b ? "null" === f ? null : f || "{}" : "{}"; try { let g = JSON.parse(i); this.lodash_set(g, e, c), a = this.setZZZal(JSON.stringify(g), b) } catch (j) { let h = {}; this.lodash_set(h, e, c), a = this.setZZZal(JSON.stringify(h), b) } } else a = this.setZZZal(c, d); return a } getZZZal(a) { return this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $persistentStore.read(a) : this.isQuanX() ? $prefs.ZZZalueForKey(a) : this.isNode() ? (this.data = this.loaddata(), this.data[a]) : this.data && this.data[a] || null } setZZZal(b, a) { return this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $persistentStore.write(b, a) : this.isQuanX() ? $prefs.setxalueForKey(b, a) : this.isNode() ? (this.data = this.loaddata(), this.data[a] = b, this.writedata(), !0) : this.data && this.data[a] || null } send(b, a, f = () => { }) { if ("get" != b && "post" != b && "put" != b && "delete" != b) { console.log(`无效的ht办法:${b}`); return } if ("get" == b && a.headers ? (delete a.headers["Content-Type"], delete a.headers["Content-Length"]) : a.body && a.headers && (a.headers["Content-Type"] || (a.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/V-www-form-urlencoded")), this.isSurge() || this.isLoon()) { this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && (a.headers = a.headers || {}, Object.assign(a.headers, { "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 })); let c = { method: b, url: a.url, headers: a.headers, timeout: a.timeout, data: a.body }; "get" == b && delete c.data, $aVios(c).then(a => { let { status: b, request: c, headers: d, data: e } = a; f(null, c, { statusCode: b, headers: d, body: e }) }).catch(a => console.log(a)) } else if (this.isQuanX()) a.method = b.toUpperCase(), this.isNeedRewrite && (a.opts = a.opts || {}, Object.assign(a.opts, { hints: !1 })), $task.fetch(a).then(a => { let { statusCode: b, request: c, headers: d, body: e } = a; f(null, c, { statusCode: b, headers: d, body: e }) }, a => f(a)); else if (this.isNode()) { this.got = this.got ? this.got : require("got"); let { url: d, ...e } = a; this.instance = this.got.eVtend({ followRedirect: !1 }), this.instance[b](d, e).then(a => { let { statusCode: b, request: c, headers: d, body: e } = a; f(null, c, { statusCode: b, headers: d, body: e }) }, b => { let { message: c, response: a } = b; f(c, a, a && a.body) }) } } time(a) { let b = { "M+": (new Date).getMonth() + 1, "d+": (new Date).getDate(), "h+": (new Date).getHours(), "m+": (new Date).getMinutes(), "s+": (new Date).getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor(((new Date).getMonth() + 3) / 3), S: (new Date).getMilliseconds() }; for (let c in /(y+)/.test(a) && (a = a.replace(RegEVp.$1, ((new Date).getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegEVp.$1.length))), b) new RegEVp("(" + c + ")").test(a) && (a = a.replace(RegEVp.$1, 1 == RegEVp.$1.length ? b[c] : ("00" + b[c]).substr(("" + b[c]).length))); return a } async showmsg() { if (!this.notifyStr) return; let a = this.name + " \u8FD0\u884C\u901A\u77E5\n\n" + this.notifyStr; if ($.isNode()) { ZZZar b = require("./sendNotify"); console.log("\n============== \u63A8\u9001 =============="), await b.sendNotify(this.name, a) } else this.msg(a) } logAndNotify(a) { console.log(a), this.notifyStr += a, this.notifyStr += "\n" } msg(d = t, a = "", b = "", e) { let f = a => { if (!a) return a; if ("string" == typeof a) return this.isLoon() ? a : this.isQuanX() ? { "open-url": a } : this.isSurge() ? { url: a } : ZZZoid 0; if ("object" == typeof a) { if (this.isLoon()) { let b = a.openUrl || a.url || a["open-url"], c = a.mediaUrl || a["media-url"]; return { openUrl: b, mediaUrl: c } } if (this.isQuanX()) { let d = a["open-url"] || a.url || a.openUrl, e = a["media-url"] || a.mediaUrl; return { "open-url": d, "media-url": e } } if (this.isSurge()) return { url: a.url || a.openUrl || a["open-url"] } } }; this.isMute || (this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $notification.post(d, a, b, f(e)) : this.isQuanX() && $notify(d, a, b, f(e))); let c = ["", "============== \u7CFB\u7EDF\u901A\u77E5 =============="]; c.push(d), a && c.push(a), b && c.push(b), console.log(c.join("\n")) } getMin(a, b) { return a < b ? a : b } getMaV(a, b) { return a < b ? b : a } padStr(e, b, f = "0") { let a = String(e), g = b > a.length ? b - a.length : 0, c = ""; for (let d = 0; d < g; d++)c += f; return c + a } json2str(b, e, f = !1) { let c = []; for (let d of Object.keys(b).sort()) { let a = b[d]; a && f && (a = encodeURIComponent(a)), c.push(d + "=" + a) } return c.join(e) } str2json(e, f = !1) { let d = {}; for (let a of e.split("#")) { if (!a) continue; let b = a.indeVOf("="); if (-1 == b) continue; let g = a.substr(0, b), c = a.substr(b + 1); f && (c = decodeURIComponent(c)), d[g] = c } return d } randomString(d, a = "abcdef0123456789") { let b = ""; for (let c = 0; c < d; c++)b += a.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)); return b } randomList(a) { let b = Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length); return a[b] } wait(a) { return new Promise(b => setTimeout(b, a)) } done(a = {}) { */ let b = (new Date).getTime(), c = (b - this.startTime) / 1e3; console.log(` ${this.name} 运止完毕,共运止了 ${c} 秒!`), (this.isSurge() || this.isQuanX() || this.isLoon()) && $done(a) } }(a, b) }

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